“Fantasies are fate defining in the sense that they determine the “content” of the repetition compulsion, giving our desire its inexorable direction, and making us single-minded lay preoccupied by, and doggedly faithful to, certain existential designs and preferences even when these undercut our well-being.
Good rant. I agree many people favour validation of one's feelings over challenging them and risking adversity, even though it is a natural and essential part in learning, socialising, and evolving. To create is to spark adversity for learning something new, and to challenge other people's opinions and outlooks is to allow them space to consider a new approach.
Good rant. I agree many people favour validation of one's feelings over challenging them and risking adversity, even though it is a natural and essential part in learning, socialising, and evolving. To create is to spark adversity for learning something new, and to challenge other people's opinions and outlooks is to allow them space to consider a new approach.