For the first few minutes of the video, I was just as disgusted by the contrivance and fakery as you were. Who the hell apologizes like that? But then I Googled her and found out what had happened. She was falsely accused of “child grooming” and “child sexual predation.” Even her accusers admitted that she did nothing wrong. Her offense was mailing a piece of clothing to a fan who … asked her to mail him a piece of clothing.

As you surely know from your cultural analyses, America is absolutely enthralled by child sexual fantasies and especially “child sexual assault.” Our appetite for child sex crime (the infinite crime) and its correlate (infinite punishment) is so strong that reality cannot sate it, so we project it onto any barely plausible target. Child sexual abuse is everywhere in the Spectacle, even under pizza shops, but nowhere in reality. In the 80s we fantasized about raping babies for Satan; after that, just raping babies out of natural evil; and now we’re raping babies for Satan again, but it’s led by “Jews” and “liberals” and done because “adrenochrome” works like Botox.

We are so desirous of its occurrence that we’ve forced over 230,000 children as young as seven on the sex offender registry. The crime? Consensual mutual self-rape. In 20 states, when two 13 year-old have sex, both are arrested for child molestation; both are labeled as child predators on put on the registry; and both are sent to therapy for being victims of child sexual assault.

Unfortunately for Fox and Alex Jones and Q and the Trumpers, there are no child-abuse sex rings or paedo-satanic adrenochrome undergrounds or child molestation crises. But our fevered imaginations tell us that there must be. Given that massive collective hunger, it doesn’t take much to become a fantasy-projection target canvas. All it takes is one false accusation (followed by a few thousand affirmations by gullible child-sex-fantasy maniacs) and your life is over.

And that’s what happened to the woman in the video.

Here’s a thought experiment. If you were Jewish or educated or liberal or simply famous (“Hollywood is a paedophile ring”) and I was a Trumper or Alex Jones lover or Fox-News believer, and I accused you of joining Hilary Clinton and her liberal Jewish friends for a weekend of raping children, sacrificing them to Satan, and then drinking their blood for the “adrenochrome”—which is something that educated people, Jews, and other negro-lovers do every day in order to stay young and please Lord Satan—how sincerely would you apologize for all the raping, killing, eating, and blood drinking that “you” “do?”

Similarly, if I discovered that you sent a 13 year-old boy a bra (that he asked for) when you were 20 and then floated the idea that you were “grooming” him—i.e., that you were psychically “raping” him in order physically rape him ASAP—how un-self-conscious would your apology be? How authentic and sincere would your amends-making speech act be to your non-victim?Would it be ridiculously and self-consciously contrived and “narcissistic?” Or would it be truly authentic and from the heart?

There are now a MILLION registered sex offenders in the US, 80% of whom never harmed anyone to begin with, and 97% of whom will never commit a sex crime in the future. In fact, we have known for over a decade that people on the sex offender registry are actually less likely to commit a sex offense than people NOT on the registry.

But this is America, land of the Spectacle and of the hyper-real, where fantasy/marketing take precedence over reality. People get killed for being on the sex offender registry in the US—because being forced to wear a yellow star is enough. The state-sponsored label is the most real thing of all. It signifies a metaphysical predator essence—as metaphysical and essential as “race.”

In conclusion, given the fact that the mob was trying to accuse her of baby rape, her song wasn’t biting or sarcastic enough. Being falsely accused of child molestation is already traumatic. But having 10,000 drooling agreers praying for a public execution takes it to another level.

I hate the fake humans that our marketing-saturated culture has created, but this woman was being terrorized.

End of line.

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