This is phenomenal, and it's right where I've been at in my own adventure on this platform.

After smothering my own creative flame with doubt and fear for many, many years, I've realized the only antidote is Total Permission. Sheer audacity seems to be the only tool in the kit. Especially if you (like me) have no formal education.

To write like I have something to say that matters, I have to write like I have an audience. If I'm going that far, I might as well write like it's a die-hard audience that loves it. And let myself post something raw that I might wince at later. Some of it is just about organizing a trove of festering thoughts so they don't die on the vine. Doing so publicly has the added benefits of self-reflection.

I think the only people that might take it as arrogance, are the people who think that you owe them your meekness before crossing some arbitrary threshold of recognition, certification or validation from an external source. Probably the same kind of person that thinks you owe them a pay-off for their attention. And that seems to be most people.

And fuck that. There's nothing to earn. If I've got the audacity to even touch a pen, then I've got the audacity to draw lines with it. No half-measures, I suppose.

Do I desperately hope that someone reads it and likes it? Ya caught me.

Can I also make peace with that never happening and write it anyway? No. Please like my stuff or I'll die.

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Honored!!! ❤️🎀🌸🤍🦋

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