Sitemap - 2022 - Brenden's Labyrinth

Gender Theory and Identity | Responding to Andrew Murnane and the Dualistic Unity Podcast

AI Art, AI, Post-Truth and Systems of Control

Cyberpunk: Systems of Influence, an Evolving Self, and Acts of Rebellion

Society and the endless influence of self

Letter: Art, Death and Creation | Podcast: Psychedelics, Psychosis, and the Rabbit Hole

"The Self is an Illusion" with Annaka Harris and Lex Fridman

Lacan and David Bohm | The unconscious, the self, and a fiction

Finding wonder in psychedelics and mysticism | And other thoughts on the self, society, and uncertainty

Curtis Yarvin and the acid trip that never was

The peeling of the heart into a creative endeavor

Exploring the gaps between certainty and uncertainty

Should we embrace the incomprehensible? | The rabbit hole of your fear

What is the essence of your fragmentation?

Chapter 5: The Shadow Snake | Falling Into Dreams

The endless depths of life

Aphorisms on everything

Release the art! | Rethinking life and art | The rebellion against commodification

God, hear my prayer

God, are you listening?

The 'I' | Interlinked | My writing feels like a lie

A Psychedelic Experience

A Purpose for Fiction | The Necessary Oscillation of Ideas

Chapter 4: The Deer and The Boy | The Origins of Our Inner Will

A Crisis of Meaning | Should we stop the never-ending processes of conquering our inner self?

Everything Exists; Nothing Exists | Welcome to the Eternal Becoming in the Riddle of Life...

The Never-Ending Fatigue of Accepting Yourself

Chapter 3: The Theater of My Doppelgängers

Chapter 2: The Myth in the Rabbit Hole | Ghost in Dreamland | The Symbolic Order of My Psyche